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If you’re just coming to Bilateral Petersham now, you’ve missed the daily writing frenzy.

Eighty thousand words were spewed into cyberspace during April and May 2006. Maybe you’re the sort that can read this many words online. I’m not. So I suggest you print out the PDF version, and read it at your own leisure. Be warned, it runs to 141 A4 pages, so make sure you set your printer to use both front and back of the paper!

Download the document here (2MB PDF):

I also have a limited number of copies of the blog printed and bound as a book. If you’d like me to post you one of those, let me know: lucas[at]

Oh, one more thing: the PDF only takes you up to the first week of June. Anything that’s been added since then is only online. The comments here are still active, although by now things have pretty much finished up for Bilateral Petersham.



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