a short note on “method”…

OK, here’s what I do.

I wake up really early every morning, make myself a strong black coffee using the aluminium stovetop percolator, and I boot up the computer. In my dream like state, the words just flow out of me, my fingers machine-gunning the keyboard until all of my memories from yesterday are vomited up into the blog. This process takes about an hour, and then I’m free to go about the day however I please.

Hmm. That’s the theory at least.

The practice is more like this: I crawl out of bed about nine am. While I’ve been lying there, semi-comatose, vaguely aware that I should get out of bed, various sounds have filtered through my window. Wolfie barking next door (he’s woken up first and wants his brekkie), the construction site starting up with its excavation, the first aeroplanes of the day, the slow build up of traffic. Then I drink a slow, milky coffee, sitting in the kitchen with Bec, hardly making any sense as we utter fragmentary statements of fact like “uh. hard to get up today.” and “man, even that one glass of wine makes me feel like shit in the morning” and “aren’t you just the cutest little angel in the world” (this last one is Bec to her cat Drazic). Bec fusses around getting ready for work while I boot up the computer, checking email and looking at the Herald website and generally seeming “busy”. Then Bec heads off to the gallery. About this time the phone calls start to come in, and maybe I get a visitor from outside the ‘sham, just popping in for coffee, or wondering if I can look over a grant application or something. Late morning, I’m alone. Finally it’s time to write. But I’m hungry now, having only had coffee for breakfast (or maybe actually two coffees by now) and I can’t write until I’ve eaten something…

You get the picture. The epitome of inefficiency. To the point where I end up needing to get out of the house, not having written about yesterday, and go off for a walk somewhere. It’s often late afternoon / early evening by the time I write. I’m tired, I have the sense that it’s overdue, that my readers have been waiting for an update. Then there’s photos to process. Flickr may be the greatest tool in the world, but it takes AGES to upload shots, and give em titles, descriptions, and the all important tags. And if there are photos to be included in the blog entry, there’s no way I can finalise it until the Flickr work is done. By now I’m tired, I’ve got screen fatigue, my eyes themselves have begun to flicker. And it’s gotten so late that there’s no hope of waking up early to get the jump on the day…

2 thoughts on “a short note on “method”…

  1. Michele Purcell

    Lucas dear…
    I suggest you resort to an old habit of yours…eat a bowl of ten WeetBix and good full-cream milk as soon as you open your eyes. Worked well in the past!
    Mum xx


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